Tuesday, July 22, 2008

When Bathroom Stalls and Churches Collide

I've always found the toilet to be an inspirational place, and I know I'm not alone in saying that. So not too long ago I was in Avon, CO sitting on the hot seat in the public bathroom of a Wal-Mart, admiring the surroundings: the graffiti, the writing, the drawings that I'm sure we're all (at least the guys) familiar seeing on stall walls. Maybe admiring isn't the right word. My first impression is, "ugh, how stupid," but after my disgust wears off, I start thinking about how prevalent these thoughts, images, stereotypes, and mindsets are in our culture, and it's really sad. I think it reveals a lot of insight into the disrespect, depravity, and neediness of humanity. The graffiti is evidence of a disregard, or at least an ignorance, of true Eros, Phila, and Agape love as well as real community. The historic and natural response of the church has been to shun these stall-graffitiers (metaphorically speaking) in reaction to that initial disgust. But instead of turning our heads in disgust, I think the church needs to take a good look at those stalls and soak it in until the disgust wears off and we can respond with compassion.

I'm imagining what it would look like for a church to be made up of those stall graffitiers. Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that current church goers are even close to perfection; I bet churchies (church goers) even graffiti on stalls. What I'm getting at is not so much about behavior but more about the current attitude that outsiders have toward the church as well as the disposition of the church toward outsiders. Much of the world stereotypes churchies as goody-two-shoes, placing an unfit and weighty expectation for churchies to be perfect. This stereotype does two things: it sets up the church for failure, resulting in reproaches of hypocrisy, and it distances outsiders from the church. Furthermore, to an extent, I think the church has taken on this burden, and in expecting itself to be perfect, fronts a mask of "having it all together" in fear that otherwise, they would be considered a fraud. Ironically, this furthers separation between the world and the church and undermines community. In other words, right now, those graffitiers don't feel welcomed into the church, and if they were, the world would scream hypocrisy.

But what if it was the other way around?

What if it was normal for the vulgar, the imperfect, the rich, the poor, the perverts, the successful, the drop-outs to attend a church in which, because of a real interdependent vulnerable community, they realize that they don't need to have it all together, and that this is the very reason for grace!? What if the world saw the church as a place to meet their needs for love and community instead of how their sins fail to compare to the piety of today's masquerading church goers? What if church was a place of unconditional love: for people of every race, class, background, and clique, worshiping an amazing God who calls us into a relationship with Him and with each other?

Envision this. Is it biblical? What would it look like? How do we do it? I don't have all the answers to these three questions, so I wanna hear thoughts! I know there may be some objections. I understand that the church should be an example... a pure bride to Christ, working to reflect the beauty of the kingdom of God. So, the church should not accept sin, but at the same time should not be unapproachable and unwelcoming. I realize Paul talks about removing someone who is sinning from the community (1 Corinthians 5:5) and not to associate with purposeful sinners who claim to be Christians (1 Corinthians 5:11), but what’s the context and can these verses be reconciled with the type of church described here? I look forward to your thoughts!


Chieftain Achievers said...

generally you know my comments on this, but i wanted to let you know i found your blog! exciting stuff :)

but i would really be interested in knowing the context of those passages, and why paul wrote that

Anonymous said...

Kyle I really liked your observations. The Church as whole needs to remember that we are one body in Christ.We also need to remember that there are times in everyones lives when they stumble and fall in the loving arms of His grace. As the Body and servants of Christ we need to be those arms of love. God call us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Christ didn't die for us to chose we should love. We know that everyone needs love and God provides everyone with love. I just want us to imagine what it would like if we accepted everyone as they are and where they are at on their walk with Christ. When we limit or chose who to love we limit God's potential. I don't know about all of you but I don't want to limit God. In Kyle's note he mentions graffiti as a metaphor. I t is a great image to life we start out as a clean slate but by the choices we make different messages and images are written on our heart. We also because of God's limitless Grace we are able to paint over the images that are undesirable. The Church as the Body of Believers allows us to do this in community with one another. The people that are seeking the body for their first time might become intimated because of stereotypes. I say as the Body we need to be the first to destroy these stereotypes. We must remember that the people that are coming are seeking Christ and his love. God accepts everyone and we must accept as Christ accepted the penalty for us. We need to remember that people coming to the Church are looking for a place to belong. They might have been shut out by society and the last place they need to be shut out of is the Church. I just want us to remember that God calls us to Love and it is because of Christ that we are able to love. For Christ's Love compells us. 2 Corinthians 5:14

Anonymous said...

Responding to Laura:

Yeah, seriously. What the crap, Paul? But I guess you should only amputate part of the "body" if there really is no way to heal it. That's a tough call to make, though, and I'd tend not to give up on anybody like that.

Anonymous said...

I think you're right on. I mean, Jesus hung out with "sinners" and "unclean" types all the time, even though the church at the time criticized him for it. For all we know, he might've even married one of them, if there's anything to those alternative texts. Not endorsing this idea, just saying it's an interesting possibility--especially with that common symbolism you mention of Jesus "marrying" the church. Sort of a way of bringing the imperfect human race into the family.